Steps to follow: Load a blank Microsoft Word document. Each version of word uses the normal style to set defaults on font sizes, page margins, paragraph spacing and more. This document will provide advice for adjusting your normal style to stop double line spacing.
The most common are single (1.0), one-and-a-half lines (1.5) and double (2.0). How to resolve issues with font and double-line spacing Introduction. Microsoft Word comes with a number of predefined spacing settings. In the era of the typewriter, double spacing was used so that writers could make corrections on the go, but nowadays it’s more a matter of clarity and readability. Line spacing is the gap between lines within a paragraph (distinct from paragraph spacing). As such, we’ve prepared this simple guide on how to set line spacing in Microsoft Word. Knowing how to adjust this setting in Microsoft Word is also valuable outside of academia, since it allows you to format documents professionally and attractively. Another tip to add is that you can select your whole document very quickly by pressing Control + A double line spacing is Ctrl + 2, 1.5 line is Ctrl + 1.5. Many university style guides specify using double line spacing because it gives space for markers to write feedback on your finished essays and makes them easier to read than when text is in cramped paragraphs. I think it applies to all versions of Word but the menu is in slightly different places. How to Set Line Spacing in Microsoft Word